本帖最后由 mitaparvin 于 2022-6-15 15:10 编辑
Making attractive designs but also have an additional that makes people feel safe. The Swedish chemical company Polygiene was in charge Phone Number Database creating this textile that has a technology called ViralOff, which is in charge of repelling the virus. However, this antiviral technology is not new, as it had already been tested when the SARS (acute respiratory syndrome) epidemic occurred in the early 2000s. ViralOff contains Phone Number Database proteins that inhibit the binding of the virus to textile fibers. Diesel also announced the launch of a special program Known as Protector Phone Number Database (protective shield), which combines a certified antibacterial and antimicrobial product with an anti-drip barrier.
It must be remembered that, according to medical data, the coronavirus is spread by droplets of saliva that are expelled when a person coughs, sneezes or speaks. The video game industry is the main target of cyber attacks Coronavirus and clothing: how careful do you have to be? Since the virus appeared, one of the first phone number database that assailed Phone Number Database whether it was able to stay on clothing and for how long. Despite the fact that sources such as the MayoClinic mention that the coronavirus does not live as long on clothes as on other surfaces, the need has arisen to create an agent that is capable of making consumers Phone Number Database safe when dressing. “There is no consensus yet on how long the virus lasts on clothing.

However, it is important to understand that there are many factors such as the use of public transport, driving on the street, among others, that may not necessarily coincide with the results of a scientific study”, explained Phone Number Database infectious disease doctor Cristina Freuler Phone Number Database Infobae . head of the internal medicine department of the German Hospital. IT MAY INTEREST YOU: The reason why Walmart remains close to the consumer despite the bad times 5 notes: the most relevant events that occurred this week In Phone Number Database regard, Linsey Marr, an aerosol scientist at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, tells the New York Times .